This is a Slackware Linux repackaged version of Glide. It was put together
by David Cantrell (david@slackware.com) with sources obtained from


Please refer to the original Glide license file that accompanies each vg*
package. It is in /usr/doc/Glide2

This directory contains packages for adding 3Dfx support to Slackware. All
of the packages in this directory can be installed using the "installpkg"
command. Refer to the man page for installpkg for more information.

Each package has it's own readme file with specific instructions for
installing it.

So what packages do you need to install? Here's a table of what's what:

   vg-libs.tgz  | for Voodoo Graphics based boards
   v2-libs.tgz  | for Voodoo 2 based boards
   vr-libs.tgz  | for Voodoo Rush based boars
   glidesdk.tgz | Only if you plan on compiling software to use
                | the Glide rasterization library
   xvr.tgz      | replacement XF86_SVGA server that supports the
                | Voodoo Rush chipset
   xvrlibs.tgz  | replacement libraries needed to use xvr.tgz

Good luck!

-David Cantrell